HRM – Learning to delegate

Training course introduction

Delegating is a critical process for managers and professionals, because delegating is strictly related to individual performance, assumption of responsibility, activity and time management. Therefore, this course will help managers learn to delegate, develop subordinates and better manage time and resources.


  • To help participants improve the use of delegating, supporting its systematic use for organizational purposes and improving the quality of life.
  • To support the transition toward a management style that helps subordinates develop motivation and self-confidence, improving individual as well as group performance.


The course is aimed at managers and supervisors

Training languages

English, Italian


Time and (time) awareness

  • Private time and professional time
  • The different types of professional time: some management aspects
  • Peculiarities in time management: think before acting…

Delegation and personnel development

  • The concept of competence
  • Meaning of the delegation and its role in personal development
  • Developing competence in subordinates
  • The delegation as an organizational competence

The delegation in action

  • The risk of failure
  • Delegating: when, how much, what, to whom
  • The link between delegation, competence and risk

Corrective or strengthening action

  • Chewing out and praising: let’s learn the art
  • Balancing praising and chewing out

Fiercely resisting delegating

  • The very, very, very busy person
  • No one is like me…
  • Look at what you have done!

Training method

  • Learning by experience
  • The trainer helps participants to “discover” the various topics and to face situations that are technically similar to those they are used to deal with or they are expected to


Two days or more, according to the Client’s needs


Arduino Mancini

Le definizioni presentate nel glossario non hanno la pretesa di essere esaustive o rigorose: esse sono riportate nella forma impiegata nei contesti in cui mi sono trovato a operare e intendono rappresentare un semplice aiuto per quanti vogliano sapere di più circa il significato di alcuni termini incontrati sul blog.