INC – The strategic management of intellectual capital

Training course introduction

Intellectual capital is the most powerful weapon that a company owns to compete on the market. Unfortunately intellectual capital features are not easy to identify; furthermore, as all weapons intellectual capital is difficult to manage. This course has the aim of being a practical support to people who wish to understand the nature of knowledge as a weapon of competition and turn it into a development tool


To introduce participants to the strategic management of intangible assets focusing on the possibility to generate value and increase profits in the medium term


The course is aimed at managers and people involved in processes that require intangible assets management skills

Training languages

English, Italian


How to define intellectual capital:

  • Classifying the company assets – tangible and intangible assets
  • Intellectual capital and its components
  • Value and obsolescence of knowledge – managing complexity

Defining the business strategy:

  • Defining the corporate mission, strategy and vision
  • Methods to define corporate strategy – bottom up and top down
  • Communicating the corporate strategy to the organization

Developing Human Capital:

  • How to manage what you pay for but do not own
  • Defining strategic competency
  • Operational tools for managing human resources
  • Job profile, inclusion plan, performance appraisal
  • Organization planning based on strategic skills

Managing the client portfolio:

  • Defining the client portfolio and management models – focus on key account
  • Portfolio risk definition and management
  • Client portfolio back to the company – from asset assigned to the salesperson to asset managed by the organization

Intellectual Property (IP) strategic management

  • The legal protection of intangible assets
  • Trademark portfolio and patent portfolio
  • Managing the IP consistently with the business strategy

Alliances, the silent competition weapon:

  • Features and use
  • From the distribution agreement to acquisition – how to  share intangible assets
  • Failure and success of partnership – building complex competency

Intellectual Capital and management control:

  • Balance sheet and intangible assets
  • Intellectual capital balance sheet
  • Intellectual capital in the budgeting/controlling process
  • Intellectual capital key indicators

Training method

  • Learning by experience
  • The trainer helps participants to “discover” the various topics and to face situations that are technically similar to those they are used to deal with or they are expected to


  • Three days are necessary to acquire a general overview
  • From three to five days if a more in-depth analysis of the subjects is requested
  • All the subjects highlighted above can be the title of a specific training course


Arduino Mancini

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