HRM – Developing motivation for achieving goals


Training course introduction

What motivates people? Why do we do something instead of something else? Is money actually the most appealing thing? Which is the relationship between needs and motivation? Which is the relationship between leadership style and motivation? What are the instruments we can use to increase motivation? Is it really possible to give someone motivation?

This training course is designed to answer these questions, focusing on tools the organization can use to make people act consistently with the aims of the organization.


To help participants understand the value of motivation and support its development, aimed at achieving the organization’s goals


Managers, supervisors, Human Resources managers

Training languages

English, Italian


  • What is motivation
  • The link between the person and the organization
  • The importance of motivation in personal and professional life
  • Motivation as a component of personal competence
  • Needs, motivations, goals: a model for identifying individual motivation
  • What enhances individual motivation: job quality, learning, goals, performance appraisal, salary
  • The job profile
  • Defining the goals to be assigned: characteristics, definition and assignment
  • Performance appraisal: evaluating, learning, improving
  • The salary structure
  • The role of motivation in developing competence

Training method

  • Learning by experience
  • The trainer helps participants to “discover” the various topics and to face situations that are technically similar to those they are used to deal with or they are expected to


Two days or more, according to the Client’s needs


Arduino Mancini

Le definizioni presentate nel glossario non hanno la pretesa di essere esaustive o rigorose: esse sono riportate nella forma impiegata nei contesti in cui mi sono trovato a operare e intendono rappresentare un semplice aiuto per quanti vogliano sapere di più circa il significato di alcuni termini incontrati sul blog.