t post

I am Arduino Mancini, and this is my blog.

I offer insights and training tools for people who want to develop effective thinking and improve their performance, at work and in private life.

Training, career management, glass ceiling, job search, boss and people management, critical thinking, negotiation, gender diversity are just some of the topics we will discuss: at the bottom, to the right, you find the post’s categories.

To complete the panorama of the tools at your disposal, you will find reviews of books and movies, training courses and coaching programmes for people, groups and organisations.

A characteristic of this blog?

I believe that the task of a blogger is not to dispense truth, but to leave the reader at least a doubt to be kept within his notes: and questions to share with the tibicon community.

Read from you soon!

Want to learn how to use a motivating reprimand?

The gentle… reprimander!

2019 August 29 | by Arduino Mancini Reprimand Praise feedback

Who doesn’t remember a terrible reprimand for quite questionable reasons, received at some point in life by a ham-fisted boss? Not to mention how embarrassed we’ve felt when, having climbed up into the position of a boss and being fully entitled to reprimand ourselves, we’ve seen our ham-fisted reprimand meet with the astonished glance of […]

A difficult question

What are the links between complaining and working?

2019 August 22 | by Arduino Mancini Motivation and needs - Stories

My experience tells me that there is a clear correlation between the level of complaint and the level of commitment to work. The greater a person’s tendency to complain, the less they are committed to overcoming difficulties and – above all – the less they manage to develop an effective strategy to achieve objectives. In […]

Be careful...

Sometimes praise has a price

2019 August 15 | by Arduino Mancini Reprimand Praise feedback - Stories

Some time ago I was thinking about how dangerous praise can be: I’m sure you’ll find the following story quite instructive. Goods duly delivered. Enjoy your holiday. Excellent emergency management! Congratulations. Thank you. I hope you’ll remember that when you’re approving salary raises! These text messages exchanged were in a few minutes by a manager and […]

Why is reprimanding so important?

A key quality of a leader? Being good at reprimanding!

2019 August 08 | by Arduino Mancini Reprimand Praise feedback

Want a nice career? Want to be a leader? Then you need to learn to reprimand. How? There are different styles. There’s the shouted reprimand, the whispered one, which ends with a slow exhale from the nose (“remember that I have an infallible memory …”), the one that starts with good intentions (“I have to […]

Is objective assignment a waste of time?

Work... with or without an objective?

2019 August 01 | by Arduino Mancini Motivation and needs

I’ve been working as a consultant for 10 years now, and I think I have gained quite some experience on how (especially small and medium-sized) organizations and employees deal with business management. To plan or not to plan a budget? And what about objectives? Should we assign them, especially to the sales force, or is […]

Why the destructive reprimand is the most feared feedback?

Anatomy of the destructive reprimand

2019 July 28 | by Arduino Mancini Reprimand Praise feedback

Destructive reprimand is one of the most widely used practices and one of the most feared by people working in an organisation. We’ve already seen how some “real leaders” use it. Why? For many different reasons. The destructive reprimand is characterised by a few patterns, which are worth learning to recognise and analyse. Let me […]

From my colleague and friend Rosario Rizzo

When your motivation is locked up in a drawer!

2019 July 21 | by Arduino Mancini Motivation and needs - Stories

I received this post from my colleague Rosario Rizzo, and I’m happy to share it. A few days ago, I was in a classroom with Arduino, attending his course on sales management. We were talking about how to incentivize sales people and about their career within the company, when I remembered something that had happened […]