t post
Discount Better High
In this post, you can find my answer!

Why is discount more important than price?

2024 April 26 | by Arduino Mancini Negotiation - Sales

Do you find the cartoon funny? Let me tell you something confidentially. A while ago I picked up the vent of a talented purchasing professional who came across the situation I described. I wish I could tell you that it is all a result of my imagination, but I would be lying. Everything is sadly […]

Just the time needed to learn the change equation!

Want to learn the art of selling in two minutes?

2023 March 28 | by Arduino Mancini Change management - Sales

The way sales professionals handle Customer communication is not quite different between one company and another. Too often the focus lands on aspects related to the influence of the salesperson toward the buyer; the salesperson is treated as one of those toys you give the charge to so that he/she will repetitively do the same […]

In this post, I will introduce you to 7 of them!

How many kinds of salespeople have you met so far?

2022 October 20 | by Arduino Mancini Sales - Selection Interview

Lately, a Client asked a question that scared me: Would you please arrange a sales course for us? A basic one… Why is that question so frightening? I will tell you right now. My analysis of businesses purchasing behaviours leads to identifying no less than 7 sales professionals. Here they are: the sales-teller, the salesperson […]

Why coffee is a crucial indicator!

How to recognize an authentic sales-professional?

2022 February 24 | by Arduino Mancini Sales

The coffee ceremony with the Client is an essential ritual for the salesperson. Is it the first meeting? Good coffee helps to familiarize with each other, and to smell before the fight. Do you hardly know each other? Coffee will help you consolidate the good things you’ve done up to this point, or to patch things […]

Here's what can happen when a good Customer-Supplier relationship is not supported by quality standards!

We have a good relationship, don't we?

2021 December 04 | by Arduino Mancini Reprimand Praise feedback - Sales - Stories

A medium-sized company was facing strong order growth, which needed to be supported by properly skilled staff. The HR director had built up a network of head-hunters with expertise in many different sectors. As far as engineers and project managers were concerned, he used a company he had known for years, the Italian branch of […]

… and make your boss happy!

Thirteen steps to get your project approved

2021 October 20 | by Arduino Mancini Project management - Sales

What do you do when you have to present to one or more bosses a project you are very interested in? Because when the challenges are crucial, there is not just one boss to convince, don’t you think?… Now, how do you manage the presentation? You can’t just treat it as a routine activity, right? […]