The performance appraisal interview
This eLearning course aims to help supervisors and their staff to prepare the performance appraisal interview and define the training plan to close gaps and reinforce strengths.
This eLearning course aims to help supervisors and their staff to prepare the performance appraisal interview and define the training plan to close gaps and reinforce strengths.
Contents and details of the course Why I designed a course on listening skills? First of all, let’s say that listening is a physiological function, and stimuli from the surrounding environment, the frantic rhythm of today’s lifestyle and the growing desire to prevail by raising one’s voice are progressively impairing it. The course aims […]
Contents and details of the course Why a course on motivation drivers? Let me ask you a few questions: What motivates people? Why do we do one thing rather than another? Is money the most appealing driver of motivation? What relationship is there between needs and motivation? What tools should we use to increase […]
Contents and details of the course Why a course on staff performance improvement? First of all, let’s say that managing people is one of the toughest management tasks: for example, if your staff member’s performance is unsatisfactory and you immediately reprimand him/her, his motivation is likely to disappear quickly. And you will find it […]
Contents and details of the course Why I designed a course on asking questions? The course aims at helping learners to improve their ability to formulate questions to achieve specific goals in different contexts, retaining control over communication and improving their questioning skills. Who should take this course? The topics are of general interest: […]
Contents and details of the course Why a course on objectives and goals management? Objectives and goals management are processes that involve organizations at all levels. Unfortunately, we are not always able to define objectives properly and this can create situations very difficult to manage. This training course is designed to help you: learn […]
Contents and details of the course Why take a test on listening skills? First of all, let’s say that listening is a physiological function, and stimuli from the surrounding environment, the frantic rhythm of today’s lifestyle and the growing desire to prevail by raising one’s voice are progressively impairing it. This test aims at […]