Enhancing motivation drivers

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Enjoy! Arduino


Contents and details of the course

Why a course on motivation drivers?

Let me ask you a few questions:

  • What motivates people?
  • Why do we do one thing rather than another?
  • Is money the most appealing driver of motivation?
  • What relationship is there between needs and motivation?
  • What tools should we use to increase motivation?
  • Is it possible to motivate people?

This e-learning course is designed to answer these questions, focusing on the drivers of motivation: the ones the organisation can use to ensure that people act consistently with the aims of the organisation itself.

Who should take this course?

Well, anyone responsible for managing people, you may say: and that’s true.
Nevertheless, we need to remember that activities and processes make us strongly dependent on people’s motivation.
Moreover, colleagues who are motivated in their work will surely help you do your job better, too.
From this perspective, we may say that this course is interesting for managers as well as for anyone in roles requiring interaction with a considerable number of people.
In other words, motivation plays a crucial role in one’s personal and professional life.
Any doubts? They will disappear during the course.

What about the expected duration?

3 to 4 hours. It will depend on your commitment.

You will be free to choose when to work on the course!

Even if you only have 15 minutes, make the most of it: you will automatically pick up where you left off.
Furthermore, to make the most of your time and energy, take my advice and do not rush through the course: organise different sessions for no more than 60 minutes.

Are you expecting to get bored?

Prepare to change your mind! The course is designed to encourage in-depth exploration of the topic and the individual experience. Exercises, video clips, tutorials, quizzes, cartoon strips and dialogues structured to offer a unique learning experience:

  • 14 videos inspired by real situations
  • 43 exercises
  • 23 interactive pages
  • More than 10 pdf files to download and use in the future
  • 3 cartoon strips

See below more details about the contents.

What about the learning material?

During the course, you will use the following learning material that you can download for future use:

  • The map of needs
  • The map of goals and objectives
  • Open-ended or semi-open-ended questions to use with your staff and colleagues
  • Posts and cartoon strips on motivation
  • Recommended movies
  • Glossary with the main terms used in the course.

PC, tablet or smartphone?

  • You can use a PC or a mobile device (tablet/smartphone) that supports HTML5 (IOS, Android, Windows): with tablet/smartphone the use of some contents may not be ideal: better to use a PC.
  • We recommend to use the up-to-date version of the most popular browsers: Chrome and Safari usually offer better performance.

The certificate of attendance

At the end of the course, you will download your certificate of attendance once you pass the test.


Here is now the contents of the course: access for free the first two sections.

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