Self-assessment test on listening skills

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Contents and details of the course

Why take a test on listening skills?

First of all, let’s say that listening is a physiological function, and stimuli from the surrounding environment, the frantic rhythm of today’s lifestyle and the growing desire to prevail by raising one’s voice are progressively impairing it.
This test aims at helping you to autonomously assess how effectively you listen and do your best to improve your listening skills.

Who should take this test?

Let me ask you a few questions:

  • During a conversation, do you pay enough attention, or does your mind wander?
  • Do you usually interrupt your counterpart?
  • Do you keep listening when someone says something you don’t agree with?

If you think your listening is good enough, then you don’t need this test.

If you feel you can improve, well…, then the test will help you to discover the areas you can work on.

What about the expected duration?

The test should take about 40 minutes.

Are you interested in measuring your improvements?

During the two months that the test will remain available to you, you will be able to repeat the test freely and then verify your progress on listening.

PC, tablet or smartphone?

  • You can use a PC or a mobile device (tablet/smartphone) that supports HTML5 (IOS, Android, Windows): with tablet/smartphone the use of some contents may not be ideal: better to use a PC.
  • We recommend to use the up-to-date version of the most popular browsers: Chrome and Safari usually offer better performance.

The certificate of attendance

At the end of the test, you will download your certificate of attendance.


The test is designed to encourage in-depth exploration of the topic and the individual experience.
The teacher will ask you 20 questions; for each question, you can choose from three possible answers: only one is correct.
Please answer as honestly as possible.

In the test, you will also find:

  • a video-clip presenting a typical listening behaviour;
  • a carton strip and a short post on bad listening;
  • the plot of a movie that can help you improve your listening skills.

Now, go for the test!


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    Magdalena Alvarado
    Posted 4 years ago

    Nice "to go back to the bases", practical remaider about the importa to be aware with all your senses when you are with other person sharing his/her experience or doubt or a simple talk I´ll wait for next steps, thks

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