t books


Arduino Mancini

You are now in an essential section of this blog: the one dedicated to books.

Indeed, to the tibi-books.

I know, the book reviews I’ve published so far are not many: I promise it will grow very, very soon.

Critical thinking, resilience, leadership, sales, creativity, management, negotiation, change, gender diversity are some of the topics we’ll cover.

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In the meantime, enjoy the reading!

Chess and racial persecution in a novel that you will read all in one go!
Paolo Maurensig - translated by Jon Rothschild - Owl Books - 1998 - 144 pages

The Lüneburg Variation

2024 May 21 | by Arduino Mancini Chess - Conflict and Games Theory - Historical Fiction

A gunshot ends the life of a wealthy German businessman. Is it an accident? A suicide? A murder? The execution of a sentence? And for what fault? The genuine answer is surprising: it is a chess move! Behind that move lies a hell shaped like a chessboard. Going back in time, move by move, we […]

The success strategies of unknown world market leaders
Hermann Simon - Springer New York - 2009 - 402 pages

Hidden Champions of the 21st Century

2024 March 20 | by Arduino Mancini Critical thinking - Leadership - Resilience

When you’re drinking Coca-Cola, the name Jungbunzlauer is very unlikely to be the first thing that springs into your mind. But this Austrian-Swiss global company supplies the citric acid for every Coca-Cola produced and sold. That’s what Hermann Simon would call: a Hidden Champion company. You might be surprised to learn that: Whether you visit […]

The Pursuit of Unhappiness
Paul Watzlawick - W. W. Norton & Company - 1993 - 128 pages

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious

2023 September 06 | by Arduino Mancini Critical thinking - Education - Effective thinking

Are you challenged by having diligently followed a good number of recipes for happiness that have turned out to be unsuccessful? Do you have enough of the recommendations of psychologists, coaches, and life masters? Are you tired of being told to simply be yourself because there are no limits to the achievements you can reach? […]

The power of thinking without thinking
Malcolm Gladwell - Penguin - 2006 - 304 pages


2023 July 05 | by Arduino Mancini Effective thinking

When we talk about thinking, the first concept that comes to our mind is often related to critical thinking, the kind of thinking that allows us to make our own idea, find a solution to a problem or even make a judgment by analyzing facts and information inspired by logic and scientific evidence. However, there […]

5 Writers in London Between the Wars
Francesca Wade - 2021 - Crown - 432 pages

Square Haunting

2023 June 13 | by Monica Zhuang Gender Inequality - Historical Fiction - Women and Men

Imagine the delight of passing a historical building while knowing about the stories of the residents. Architecture encompasses more than simply the design and planning of the constructed environment; it has a significant impact on our culture, our sense of self, and the surroundings in which we live. In 1927, Virginia Woolf released her article, […]

The psychology of human relationships
Eric Berne - Penguin Books - 2016 - 176 pages

Games People Play

2023 June 01 | by Arduino Mancini Education - Resilience

In everyday life, we encounter situations that often end up following recurring communication patterns: the staff member harassed by the boss, the alcoholic who does everything not to be rescued, the perpetually busy person happy to have no time to breathe-these are cases that we all have encountered at least once in our lives and […]

Origins, ethics, and virtues of humour
John Morreall - SUNY Press - 1986 - 285 pages

The Philosophy of Laughter and Humor

2023 May 16 | by Arduino Mancini Creative thinking - Effective thinking

Laughing represents a positive and fulfilling experience. It makes us feel better because, in difficult situations, laughter provides us with the opportunity to take an emotional distance from what is happening, seizing a structure that enables us to perceive them as funny rather than tragic. An example? The famous quote by Oscar Wilde, who on […]

A tale that offers an insight into Chinese culture - And a brief interview with Melissa Fu
Melissa Fu - Little, Brown and Company - 2022 - 400 p.

Peach Blossom Spring

2023 April 19 | by Arduino Mancini Historical Fiction - Multiculturalism - Women and Men

Peach Blossom Spring (Chinese: 桃花源), was a fable written by Tao Yuanming in 421 CE, it tells the story of a fisherman who, by chance, discovers an idyllic utopia where the people lead an ideal existence in harmony with nature, unaware of the outside world for centuries. The fisherman was warmly received by the hospitable […]

The Universal Laws of Success
Albert-László Barabási - Pan Macmillan - 2018 - 320 p.

The formula

2023 March 23 | by Arduino Mancini Education - Resilience

A good friend of mine, an experienced bookseller, one day recommended to buying this book. “Read it, you will find it interesting enough to use in your work, and you’ll recommend it to the readers of your blog”. He was absolutely right; I ate the book in one go and here I am writing a […]

Gender inequality - law - women at work
Gillian Thomas - Palgrave Macmillan Trade - 2016 - 304 pages

Because of sex

2023 February 15 | by Monica Zhuang Gender Inequality

Imagine a world as follows: When searching for a job, you discovered some job postings that include the phrases “recruiting-male” and “recruiting-female”; You did not pass the interview because you were identified as the mother of a three-year-old; You were denied as a police officer because your weight was too light; You return from three […]